First things first - a good - a perfect example in fact - of how our judges are disgusting out of touch and should be sacked.
Daughter Sentenced to Five Years after Mother Dies
AN OVERWHELMED woman allowed her sick mother to wallow in filth until there were maggots in her bedsores and she died. The woman had been suffering from chronic depression and had become overwhelmed at the difficulties involved in caring for her mother, who was described as "difficult and domineering".
It is not as simple as saying she should have brought in a doctor. Older people can be horribly manipulative and controlling and this poor woman was obviously trying to do the best for her mother against terrible odds. Those who have not had the experience of such a relationship (such as inJustice Lyons) have no idea of how difficult it can be to do the 'right' thing. Likewise, anyone who thinks that a 76 year old woman cannot drive you to depression and isolation obviously hasn't had that experience.
This decision is digusting and must be overturned. This poor woman has suffered enough and is suffering enough now - she deserves sympathy not criticism. Clearly she acted against her own wishes but in accordance with her mother's wishes.
She should be freed. End of Story. SIGN THE PETITION NOW
Of course, if you think that this case is an isolated incident, well in addition to previous catalogs of decisions that never cease to astound me, here are some new ones. In my opinion, we'll only ever get a decent legal system when people start having the guts to stand up and demand one.
- Belonging to a Church allows you to get off of attempted murder charges!
- Trial for rape but his only 'punishable crime' was to hug his lawyer!
- Don't pick on Judges - they are above scrutiny
And just as a parting gesture, people in Australia have probably forgotten that it is actually illegal for the press to photograph MPs asleep in parliament!!!!!! Well, for those who remember that amazingly stupid law, what about this one:
Government Department blocks access to site that keeps track of what MPs say
The world, in the humble opinion of Wonko the Sane, has gone quite, quite mad!